Things I learned for compliance by parenting teenagers
Why can it be so challenging to get your teenagers to work for school, eat well, not stay up until the wee hours, help around the house and stay out of trouble? Teens must find out who they are and what they want to do with their life. Therefore, they strive for...
The 3 biggest Mistakes in Compliance Communication
by Bettina Palazzo Most people realize that communication is essential if you want to get the buy-in of your people for your Ethics & Compliance, not so many have a winning compliance communication strategy. This knowing-doing gap can be explained by 3...
Gender Pay Gap: 16 Jahre hektischer Stillstand
Wie viele Menschen während des ersten Lockdowns, habe auch ich meinen Computer ausgemistet… Und dabei fand ich dieses Interview mit mir und dem Deutschlandfunk von 2005 zum Thema Gender Pay Gap – also den berühmten +/- 20%, die Frauen im Durchschnitt in...
Ethical leadership – why it is hard and what helps
Ethical leadership is a tricky thing. Just because it is a combination of two already in themselves extraordinarily complex topics. Both can look back to at least two thousand years of history and rivers of ink that have flown in writing about them. Ethics: How should...